Tecnología IMD/FIMSistemas de Serigrafía para Tarjetas Plastificadas
NoriPress® SMK
Solvent-based screen printable adhesion promoter for the lamination of films and IMD/FIM technology
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NoriPress SMK is a solvent-based bonding agent which is compatible with screen printing. It is tailor made for IMD/FIM technology and the lamination of films.
Best adhesion of printed film to molding resins is achieved with NoriPress SMK. Films (e.g., PA, PC, PMMA, rigid PVC) pre-coated with NoriPress SMK can be back molded using a variety of resins (ABS, PA, PC, PMMA).
NoriPress SMK makes it possible to work with new combinations of bonded films/ inks/ resins.
Further information can be found in our technical data sheets in the Downloads section
Descargas generalesTecnología IMD/FIM
Descargas generalesSistemas de Serigrafía para Tarjetas Plastificadas
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- Proell-NoriCure-NoriCard-Booklet-Screen-Inks-for-Plastic-Cards1 MB
- NoriCure CCI Flyer519 KB
- Flyer NoriCard LSI537 KB
- General Information on Screen Printing Inks - 09/201964 KB
- Form for Technical Inquiries688 KB
- Screen Printing Systems For Plastic Cards2 MB
- Technical Information NoriCure CCI - 09/201986 KB